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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

How Much Time Have You Wasted/Invested on Twitter?

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Saturday, March 29, 2014
6:56 am

This happy little notice dropped in my email box this morning, claiming that my birthday was also the sixth anniversary of my joining Twitter.



Actually, Twitter may need to adjust its email robot a bit.  Upon further investigation, with the help of the Twopcharts web site, I found more precise information:



So, I have been on Twitter a total of 2,500 days (6 years, 10 months and 4 days).  Twitter was only 10 months late sending the Twitterversary message to me.

The burning question is: how much valuable time have you wasted or invested (depending on your point of view) posting tweets on Twitter?  Twopcharts estimates 118 hours for me!

Tweet on, my friends!

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#MobileIDM Tweet Chat Archive

Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, March 15, 2013
4:57 pm

MobileidmLast Week, on Thursday, March 7th, the second @OracleIDM Tweet Chat (AKA Tweet Jam) was held. It was great to participate with many others on this lively and informative chat. The Chat Archive for #MobileIDM has been posted here for review.

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First Tweet

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Saturday, March 9, 2013
7:43 am

This morning, I stumbled across a feature of Twitter that allowed me to download an archive of my tweets – all 11,651 of them, dating back to May 2007 when I first got on this crazy ride.  Here is my first, ever so profound tweet …


… and a graphic navigator showing the relative number of tweets I posted each each month.


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Superbowl Social Media Score: Twitter 26, Facebook 4

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
5:07 pm

A interesting article published Sunday in Marketing Land was entitled, “Game Over: Twitter Mentioned In 50% Of Super Bowl Commercials, Facebook Only 8%, Google+ Shut Out.”  According to the article,

Twitter was mentioned in 26 of 52 national TV commercials — that’s 50 percent of the spots that aired during CBS’ game coverage. Facebook was mentioned in only four of those commercials — about eight percent. Google+, which is reportedly the No. 2 social network in the world, wasn’t mentioned at all.


At first blush, it would seem that Twitter might be gaining on Facebook in popularity.  However, I think another reality is at play here.  Twitter is really a broadcast medium – ideally suited to quick 30 second commercials of the Superbowl variety.  Plus, hashtags are easy for advertisers tto include in a commercial and easy for readers to reference after the fact.

Facebook is more of a relationship medium – better suited to conversations among people and without the relative ease of using hashtags.

But this is interesting just the same.  Marketing experts and wannabees will be debating over this for months.  Will Facebook start supporting hashtags in some interesting way?

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Are We Social Lemmings?

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, May 17, 2012
1:57 pm

On the eve of Facebook’s big IPO, maybe this Nonsequitur view of things is appropriate …


Your Last Tweet?

Identity, Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, October 7, 2011
3:42 am

You have heard of the Last Lecture. What would be your final tweet?

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Twitter Feed from Heaven

Humor, Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, June 16, 2011
9:58 am

Now that is some crystal ball!

Twitter from Heaven

I wonder if the Wizard of Id could get one for me?  We could open a new business: HeavenlyTweets.com. (Alas.  Someone has already camped out on that domain.)


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Personal Twitter Journal – Remembering What I Tweet

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Monday, May 30, 2011
5:07 pm

Journal: a daily record, as of occurrences, experiences, or observations.

One could easily argue that what a person tweets is a reflection of his or her current state of mind.  Whether it be direct comments, forwarded links or retweets, these micromessages are on extension of what a person is thinking at that particular time.

I do a couple of things to use my daily tweets as s sort of personal journal or record of my “occurences, experiences or observations.”

First, I try to use hash tags in the majority of my tweets, so it is easy to retrieve and review my tweets stream for a particular subject using Twitter advanced search capability:

Second, I use the FeedMyInbox service to authomatically send a compilation of my dailty tweet stream to Evernote, where I can search on terms and easily find what I have been tweeting about on a daily basis.

So far, I have 613 entries in my Evernote journal folder, dating back to Christmas day, 2009.  That is about twices as many entries as I have in my “official” journal.  But history is being recorded – in brief 140 character chunks.

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Asterisq MentionMap

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
2:23 pm

Thanks to @JeffCutler for pointing out mentionmap, a service provided by Asterisq, to build a “map of mentions” where “each user is connected to the people and hashtags they mentioned the most in recent tweets.”

Here is my current map.  It will be interesting to check again in a few days to see who I am connected to then.


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Identity Management for Zombies?

Humor, Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, August 26, 2010
2:36 pm

Note: This little post chronicles my favorite social media exchange in a long time.  You need to see the embedded images to get the gist of an intriguing conversation.


The intrigue began Wednesday afternoon when I was waiting in the Chicago O’Hare airport for a flight to Central Wisconsin Airport, near Wausau, WI.  I tweeted my intentions:


Within a few minutes, I was being followed on Twitter by Wausau Loner:


I had never heard of the Zombie Apocalypse, so I started poking around the web.  I thought, “Do Zombies need Identity Management?”

I found that my tweet was listed on the Wausau Wisconsin Best Blogs and Tweets …


… along with my new follower, the Zombie Apocalypse expert, Wausau Loner.


This morning (Thursday), I received a nice thank you note from Wausau Loner:


I pinged him back and got this reply:


I posed the big question:  Do zombies have unique Identities?  Do they need Identity Management?

Sadly, the answer was negative:


imageWell, there are still many unanswered questions.  May be next time I visit Wausau, I’ll get together with Wausau Loner and get more details!   I’ll let you know.

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