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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Personal Twitter Journal – Remembering What I Tweet

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Monday, May 30, 2011
5:07 pm

Journal: a daily record, as of occurrences, experiences, or observations.

One could easily argue that what a person tweets is a reflection of his or her current state of mind.  Whether it be direct comments, forwarded links or retweets, these micromessages are on extension of what a person is thinking at that particular time.

I do a couple of things to use my daily tweets as s sort of personal journal or record of my “occurences, experiences or observations.”

First, I try to use hash tags in the majority of my tweets, so it is easy to retrieve and review my tweets stream for a particular subject using Twitter advanced search capability:

Second, I use the FeedMyInbox service to authomatically send a compilation of my dailty tweet stream to Evernote, where I can search on terms and easily find what I have been tweeting about on a daily basis.

So far, I have 613 entries in my Evernote journal folder, dating back to Christmas day, 2009.  That is about twices as many entries as I have in my “official” journal.  But history is being recorded – in brief 140 character chunks.

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