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Sunday, January 19, 2025

KuppingerDole: 8 Fundamentals for Digital Risk Mitigation

Identity, Information Security
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
1:45 pm


Martin Kuppinger, founder and Principal Analyst at KuppingerCole recently spoke in his keynote presentation at the European Identity & Cloud Conference about how IT has to transform and how Information Security can become a business enabler for the Digital Transformation of Business. 

He presented eight “Fundamentals for Digital Risk Mitigation” 

  1. Digital Transformation affects every organization 
  2. Digital Transformation is here to stay
  3. Digital Transformation is more than just Internet of Things (IoT) 
  4. Digital Transformation mandates Organizational Change
  5. Everything & Everyone becomes connected 
  6. Security and Safety is not a dichotomy 
  7. Security is a risk and an opportunity 
  8. Identity is the glue and access control is what companies need

I particularly like his statements about security being both risk and opportunity and that “Identity is the glue” that holds things together.

Wish I could have been there to hear it in person.

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KuppingerCole: Information Security Predictions and Recommendations 2014

Cloud Computing, Identity, Information Security, Internet of Things
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, December 19, 2013
2:53 pm


Kuppinger Cole just released an insightful Advisory Note: “Information Security Predictions and Recommendations 2014.”  The introduction stated:

Information Security is in constant flux. With the changing threat landscape, as well as a steary stream of new innovations, demand for Information Security solutions is both growing and re-focusing.

I like both the predictions and recommendations in this report.  Here are a few excerpts from my favorite recommendations:

Cloud IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Define an IAM strategy for dealing with all types of users, devices, and deployment models that integrates new Cloud IAM solutions and existing on-premise IAM seamlessly.

API Economy

Before entering this brave, new world of the API “Economy”, define your security concept first and invest in API Security solutions. Security can’t be an afterthought in this critical area.

IoEE (Internet of Everything and Everyone)

Before starting with IoEE, start with IoEE security. IoEE requires new security concepts, beyond traditional and limited approaches.

Ubiquitous Encryption

Encryption only helps when it is done consistently, without leaving severe gaps.

The whole paper is well worth reading.  Hopefully, this post whetted your appetite a little bit.

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Video: Ann Cavoukian – Privacy and Security by Design: An Enterprise Architecture Approach

Information Security, Privacy
Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
4:17 pm

The following video features Ann Cavoukian, Ph.D., Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada, discussing the paper I co-authored with her, “Privacy and Security by Design: An Enterprise Architecture Approach.”

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Privacy and Security by Design: Foundational Principles

Information Security, Privacy
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, September 26, 2013
1:08 pm

To prepare for my first meeting with Ann Cavoukian earlier this year, I drafted a brief table which proposed a set of principles for Security by Design that aligned with the well-know foundational principles for Privacy by Design. It seemed to me that this would provide a starting point for exploring how security both supported and benefited from Privacy by Design principles.  I published that draft table on my blog back in March of this year.

After reviewing the draft table, Ann asked me to work with her on a paper to amplify this alignment concept.  The result was the paper, “Privacy and Security by Design: An Enterprise Architecture Approach” which was published earlier this week.

The table I originally drafted became the following table published in the final paper:


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Video: Privacy and Security by Design: An Enterprise Architecture Approach

Information Security, Privacy
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
3:45 am

In the following video, Dr. Ann Cavoukian describes the paper I was privileged to co-author with her.

More information and a download link is available here.

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Privacy and Security by Design: An Enterprise Architecture Approach

Information Security, Privacy
Author: Mark Dixon
Monday, September 23, 2013
6:28 am

PDBToday, we are pleased to announce publication of a paper entitled “Privacy and Security by Design: An Enterprise Architecture Approach,” which I co-authored with Ann Cavoukian, Ph.D., Information & Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada.

In the foreword to the paper, Dr. Cavoukian wrote:

In an earlier paper with Oracle, we discussed the convergence of paradigms between the approach to privacy I have long championed called Privacy by Design, and a similar approach to security called ‘Security by Design.’ The current and future challenges to security and privacy oblige us to revisit this convergence and delve deeper. As privacy and security professionals, we must come together and develop a proactive approach to security – one that is indeed “by design.” To this end, I am delighted to be partnering with Mark Dixon, Enterprise Architect, Information Security, at Oracle Corporation, on this joint paper.

This paper has two key objectives:

  • Define a set of foundational “Security by Design” principles that are modelled upon and support the 7 foundational principles of Privacy by Design.
  • Illustrate an enterprise-level process for defining and governing the strategic journey of Security by Design through an enterprise architecture approach.

To achieve these objectives, the paper includes the following major sections:

  • Foundational Principles of Privacy by Design
  • Foundational Principles of Security by Design
  • The Enterprise Security Journey
  • Conclusion

The conclusion states:

“In this paper, we explored the strong synergy that exists between the related disciplines of privacy and security. While on the one hand, strong security is essential to meet the objectives of privacy, on the other hand, well-known privacy principles are valuable in guiding the implementation of security systems. On the basis of this synergy, we defined a set of foundational principles for Security by Design that are modeled upon and support the foundational principles of Privacy by Design. …

“On the basis of this new Security by Design approach, we then developed an enterprise-level process for defining, governing and realizing a ‘by design’ approach to security. In order to become a reality for enterprises, Security by Design requires strong leadership and continuous goal-setting. However, Enterprise Architecture is an ongoing journey, not a single project or disjointed set of loosely related projects. Our discussion found that if an EA framework is followed to define an EA security strategy in harmony with the holistic, interdisciplinary principles of Privacy by Design and Security by Design, and if a formal governance process is implemented to guide and govern the journey, then an enterprise can be proactive, rather than reactive, in addressing any security concerns.

We hope this paper will assist enterprises to deliver stronger security and better privacy, for all of their stakeholders – a win/win proposition.



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Privacy by Design Ambassador

Information Security, Privacy
Author: Mark Dixon
Monday, September 9, 2013
9:12 am

Coe pbd

It was an honor today to be announced as a Privacy by Design Ambassador by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada:

Privacy by Design Ambassadors are an exclusive, but growing, group of privacy thought-leaders committed to ensuring the ongoing protection of personal information by following the Principles of PbD.  Ambassadors advance the case for embedding privacy protective measures in technology, processes and physical design. …

The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) is an independent officer of the Legislature whose mandate is to oversee compliance with public sector access and privacy legislation and health sector privacy legislation in the province of Ontario.

The IPC recognizes ambassadors based on their attestations that they apply the principles of Privacy by Design. The IPC does not endorse any company or product of any recognized ambassador.

It was humbling to be listed among others whom I admire and respect for their contributions to the industry we serve.

I have deeply appreciated the opportunity to work closely with Dr. Ann Cavoukian and her staff on a soon to be announced joint paper on principles of privacy and security.  I look forward to announcing and discussing this paper soon.

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#PrivQA Chat Archive

Information Security, Privacy
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
11:32 am

Last Thursday, I participated in the Privacy Tweet Chat led by @OracleIDM, featuring Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario Canada, tweeting as @embedprivacy.  The #PrivQA chat archive is available now on Storify.


I always enjoy these tweet chats, and invariably learn more than I contribute.  Perhaps the key insight I gained in this chat is summarized in this tweet that I posted later in the chat:

Privacy is freedom to decide how my data is used. Security is the mechanism to enable and protect that freedom of choice. #PrivQA


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Privacy by Design – Principles or Requirements?

Information Security, Privacy
Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, March 29, 2013
7:58 pm


After reading the white paper, “Privacy and Security by Design, A Convergence of Paradigms,” this week, I pinged a couple of associates on Twitter to see what they thought about Privacy by Design.  Steve Wilson replied to the effect that “We need more than principles.  We need implementable requirements.”

When I met with  Ann Cavoukian yesterday, I asked her about that viewpoint.  She agreed that we need to step beyond principles to requirements to implementation.  She gave me a copy of a paper published last December by the PdB team, entitled, “ Operationalizing Privacy by Design: A Guide to Implementing Strong Privacy Practices.”  This paper doesn’t provide all the answers, but begins to explore how privacy is being implemented in 9 application area:

  1. CCTV/Surveillance Cameras in Mass Transit Systems
  2. Biometrics Used in Casinos and Gaming Facilities
  3. Smart Meters and the Smart Grid
  4. Mobile Devices & Communications
  5. Near Field Communications (NFC)
  6. RFIDs and Sensor Technologies
  7. Redesigning IP Geolocation Data
  8. Remote Home Health Care
  9. Big Data and Data Analytics

Interestingly enough, when Marc Chanliau shared with me a his unpublished report from which came the security content for the “Privacy and Security by Design” paper, it was gratifying to see the title he had selected for that larger report: “Requirements for Enterprise Security.”

There is much to do, but progress is being made.

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Strong Alignment: Privacy and Security by Design

Information Security, Privacy
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, March 28, 2013
2:52 pm

Today I had the privilege of having lunch with Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada, along with Jack Crail, Oracle Director of Security Sales Consulting for the Western US.  It was a pleasure to have a delightful lunch, sitting outside in the deliciously warm springtime air in Scottsdale, AZ.  We explored many topics of mutual interest, but focused primarily on the concepts in the white paper, “Privacy and Security by Design, A Convergence of Paradigms,” published recently by Dr. Cavoukian and Marc Chanliau, Director, Product Management with Oracle.

I had prepared the following matrix which shows remarkably close alignment with the seven foundational principles of Privacy by Design and how these principles could also apply to Information Security.  We recognize that the scope of security is broader than privacy, but the needs to proactively build security into all the technology and processes we create are remarkably similar.


In this matrix, row 5 (End-to-end security) shows where security and privacy interact.  In fact, end-to-end security is a necessary enabler for privacy.  The other rows begin to explore how a Security by Design approach can align with and support Privacy by Design.

While this matrix is just in draft form, I believe it can help us discuss how  the goals and solutions of privacy and security can be aligned in a meaningful way.  

If any on you would like to offer any suggestions for improvements, please let me know.

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