Resurrecting =mgd
XRIÂ -Â An extensible resource identifier (abbreviated XRI) – a scheme and resolution protocol for abstract identifiers compatible with uniform resource identifiers and internationalized resource identifiers, developed by the XRI Technical Committee at OASIS.Â
i-name – a human readable XRI intended to be as easy as possible for people to remember and use.
I recently received an email from Drummond Reed with his usual =drummond signature at the bottom.  It made me remember that I had once registered my own ii-name, “=mgd”.  I had never really used it, but still see it as an intriguing concept – my own, persistent identifier that aligns nicely with my Twitter handle, @mgd.  (I still regret that I didn’t register the domain when I had a chance.)
So, now =mgd is alive and active, registered at  You can request contact with me by clicking on the =mgd link here or on the =mgd icon in this post or on the sidebar.
I’m still not certain how I’ll use =mgd beyond this, but Drummond told me some interesting things are on the near horizon.
By the way – clicking on my other i-name, =markdixon, will take you to my page.  I’m slowly trying to weave my social media presence together.