Copy Machine Security Threat: A Solution
In response to my colleague, Jack Crail, who circulated the link to the video in my previous post, another colleague, Brad Diggs, responded:
Hey Jack,
No this isn’t an urban legend. I have been working up a blog post that gives folks a strategy for how to deal with it. I am the deacon of IT at my church and we have had to deal with it head on. For everyone’s benefit, your best friend in this is Darik’s Boot and Nuke. Of course the best thing is to make sure that the drive is not accessible by anyone that shouldn’t be accessing it. You also need to make sure that you pull the drive when ever you have it serviced, sell it or dispose of it.
Lastly, note that this risk applies to both photocopiers AND printers with internal print queues.
Have a great day!
Brad followed up that note with an excellent post on his blog recommending a step by step process to deal with the problem.
Thanks, Brad!
Identity Theft is so rampant these days because it is quite easy to harvest information from someone else.~:;