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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Happy Discovery – Fluid Apps

Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
3:27 am

Yesterday, I got tired enough of Tweetdeck intermittently hanging while I tried to check my Twitter feeds that I started checking for an alternative.  I use the Hootsuite app on my iPad, so I checked to see if Hootsuite has a dedicated Mac client.  It doesn’t, favoring a browser-only user interface for Mac and PC.  However, in the search, I stumbled across a blog post by David Chan, outlining how to use Fluid to set Hootsuite up as an dock-able application.  Fluid “lets you create a Real Mac App (or “Fluid App”) out of any website or web application, effectively turning your favorite web apps into OS X desktop apps.”  It essentially dedicates a separate browser instance to each website.

So, I “Fluidized” Hootsuite and liked it so well that I did the same thing to the WordPress Dashboard, where I am writing this post.  I like the capability to have these “apps” in the Mac dock, and really like the ability to use Command-Tab to cycle between them like the rest of my apps. Who knows what my next Fluid App will be!


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Testing Bird Feeder

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, January 1, 2010
6:00 pm

If all goes according to plan, the “Bird Feeder” WordPress plugin will automatically generate a Tweet after I post this little message.

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Moving to WordPress: DiscoveringIdentity.com

Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
1:46 pm

wordpress Today, I imported all entries from the Discovering Identity blog from blogs.sun.com into my WordPress blog at DiscoveringIdentity.com.  I believe that I will have more flexibility in publishing my blog and associated content using the WordPress publishing engine than was available on the Roller site.

The blog is now hosted at Dreamhost, which has excellent facilities for hosting WordPress blogs.

I will double-post content to both the DiscoveringIdentity.com and blogs.sun.com sites for the forseeable future, but do not intend to provide further upgrades to the structure of the blogs.sun.com site.

feed-icon-16x16  If you care to follow my postings on the new site, please bookmark the RSS feed.

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