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Cloud Computing: Top Ten Lists

Cloud Computing, Humor
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
7:22 pm

Ironically, within minutes this evening, I followed two cloud computing links - BC Comics’ definition and a more serious, post, Top 10 List for Success in the Cloud, by Octave Orgeron.  With all due respect to Octave, I propose a Top 10 List for successful cloud computing, using Wiley’s definition (following the comic strip).


Here is my top 10 list for successful cloud computing:

10. The seat in front of you is far enough away so you can actually lower the tray and open your laptop

9.  The flight attendant doesn’t spill water on your keyboard 

8.  You remembered to charge your laptop before leaving the office

7.  You didn’t forget the new password you set this morning

6.  The inflight WiFi connection actually works

5.  Your credit card has enough headroom to actually pay for inflight WiFi

4.  The person in the seat next to you stops talking long enough for you to do some actual computing

3.  The person in the seat next to you isn’t employed by your biggest competitor

2.  You don’t get motion sick while trying to focus on your spreadsheet during turbulence

1.  You resist the urge to give up and watch a movie instead


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