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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Saturday, July 27, 2024

I’m Giving Up My California Identity

Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, May 9, 2008
4:07 am

I got a text message this evening from our niece who has lived with us for six months until last week, when she moved into the new home she bought in neighboring Gilbert, Arizona. She was transferred from Southern California to Arizona last year and elected to stay with us while she determined where she really wanted to live. It is great to see Amy, a graduate of Brigham Young University, spread her wings and fly!

In her text message was a new phone number with a familiar 480 prefix. When I called to congratulate her on getting an Arizona phone number, I kidded her, “You took one more step to becoming an Arizona native!

She replied, rather wistfully, “Yes, I guess I’m giving up my California Identity.”

A strong part of our sense of personal Identity is often tied to our roots. I am a native of Idaho and tell my kids, who all grew up in Arizona, that “Idaho is the only true state.” I haven’t lived there since 1976, but I’m still attached through my heart to my boyhood home. Idaho is an integral part of my Identity.

I suppose it will be that way for Amy. Born and raised as a Southern California girl, she is now putting down roots in Arizona. But I’m sure even though physical addresses and phone numbers may change, Southern California will always be a part of Amy’s Identity.

By the way … she bought a house before really experiencing a summer of Arizona “dry heat.” Brave girl!

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