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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Keep Your Eyes on SocialSite

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, May 8, 2008
9:36 pm

I’m excited for the upcoming release of SocialSite, one of the cool bits of Sun’s open source technology introduced a JavaOne this week. I’ve been tracking this project for some time and look forward to actively using it when it becomes available. I’m particularly intrigued by its focus on integration: a social graph database that could be used to integrate multiple social networks and the easy process of integrating Open Social compliant widgets into web pages and applications.

From the Project SocialSite java.net page … “The SocialSite project is delivering social networking functionality by adding social networking platform support based on the OpenSocialTM standard to any community site. Any social application written for the OpenSocial based social network can be seamlessly and easily hosted on a transformed community site that is powered by the SocialSite project.”

My colleague Raja Doraisamy, the Sun product line manager responsible for SocialSite, pointed me to an introductory video on YouTube

I’ll keep you updated as the release date draws near.

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