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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Twitxr – Sharing Mobile Photos

Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Saturday, March 22, 2008
10:23 am

I stumbled across a fun little social networking service this week that makes it easy to share photos from my mobile phone. Twitxr (pronounced “Twitcher”) allows me to post photos via email to the Twitxr site, which will, in turn, post the photos to my Flickr, Twitter and Facebook accounts. The Twitxr site includes a Google Maps mashup that shows where photos have been taken, using an address placed in the email subject line.

My Treo 700p camera is not too good, and the process of sending photos from the phone by email is cumbersome, but Twitxr is certainly a step in the right direction of making posting and sharing photos an easy thing to do.

A Twitxr badge showing my latest Twitxr photo is also included on the right sidebar of my blog. Please take a look, sign up to follow me, and join me as a Twitxr friend.

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