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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Ms. Interoperability

Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
6:32 am

Almost a year ago, I started my blog by mentioning how Scott McNealy and Steve Ballmer took the stage to give an update on interoperability between Sun and Microsoft software technologies. Last week at a customer workshop, I met Eve Maler, who has been a key player in the ongoing interoperability efforts.

A delightful person, Eve was one of the inventors of XML and is now a technology director at Sun Microsystems, “developing interoperability strategies and leading partner engagements related to web services, security, and identity.” It was also interesting to learn that she cross-stitches and plays in a rock band! She publishes a great blog, Pushing String.

Pleased to meet you, Ms. Interoperability!

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