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Air Travel Delays

Author: Mark Dixon
Saturday, April 29, 2006
10:13 am

Just chillin’ at DFW at 10:00 pm on a Friday night, waiting for my flight to PHX. It’s predicted to be about an hour late – but who knows?

When one of my sons was about six years old, he told his school class that he wanted to be “a computer guy, like my Dad.”

When his teacher asked him what his Dad did in his job, Eric replied, “He flies all over and goes to meetings!” His young mind was so perceptive! That’s what I have been doing all week.

My son Dave, when he was really young, was convinced that I just got on the airplane and flew around all week. In those pre-TSA days, he had seen me get on the plane and off the plane. His little mind didn’t quite get the concept that I actually got off at the other end and did something useful.

My youngest daughter, Holly, was convinced that I just went on frequent vacations. The only time she had been on an airplane was when we went on family vacations. She was convinced that my weeks were filled with all sorts of fun, vacationy things. I think she was jealous!

I used to get really upset when I faced a travel delay, but I’ve mellowed in recent years. I guess it has something to do with recognizing the difference between things I can change and things over which I have very little control! I spend the delays doing little things like reminiscing about my kids, posting to my blog, catching up on email and reading good books – I’ve almost finished Dan Brown’s “Angels and Demons.”

I highly recommend it – the book, not the delays.

Well, as it turned out, the Sun blog system was inaccessible from the DFW airport. I couldn’t post the blog. I got home at 1 am in AZ (3 am Texas time). It was a long day.

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One Response to “Air Travel Delays”

    Yeah, that is a long day… You’re right, something was up with b.s.c yesterday, especially the comments functions, but it seems to be better today.

    I hope the travel was worth the time and effort! I remember a few years ago, some of my younger colleagues were somewhat jealous at the fact that I was getting to fly around Europe a lot (once of twice a fortnight… Milan, Paris, Zurich &c).

    One week, though, I decribed to them what had happened the previous Friday: as my flight approached Heathrow from the East, we came in over the City and I could look right down at the office. It was about 8pm, and it sank in that it would still be another 3 hours or so before I finally reached home. Sometimes work-related travel isn’t quite the perk it is thought to be… ;^)

    I also remember getting back from Dusseldorf on 9/11 getting onto the bus to the long-term car-park. Unusually, the driver had the radio on and tuned into a news programme. As the headlines rolled out, the bus went pretty quiet. I think everyone’s thoughts followed the same pattern:

    1 – what an appalling thing to do;

    2 – are London and/or Heathrow a target?

    3 – I hope my colleagues are safe. (I had a friend flying to NYC for an Identrus meeting; his flight was diverted to Logan and he was stuck for a week!).

    All in all, not the glamour one might associate with the jet-set existence.

    Comment by Robin Wilton on April 30, 2006 at 4:26 am

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