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Sunday, February 9, 2025

GDPR Regulators Not Ready?

Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
7:22 am


I find it incredibly ironic that EU regulators may not be ready to enforce GDPR when scheduled on May 25th.

A Reuters Business News article, European regulators: We’re not ready for new privacy law, reported:

Many of the regulators who will police [GDPR} say they aren’t ready yet. …

Seventeen of 24 authorities who responded to a Reuters survey said they did not yet have the necessary funding, or would initially lack the powers, to fulfill their GDPR duties.

“We’ve realized that our resources were insufficient to cope with the new missions given by the GDPR,” Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, president of France’s CNIL data privacy watchdog, said in an interview.

After working with customers about GDPR compliance preparation for over 18 months, it has been amazing to me how ill-prepared many companies are, but it was really surprising to learn that the EU may not be ready either!  It all goes to prove that it is much easier to talk about something than actually do it.


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