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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Discovering Identity – The Paper

Identity, Social Media
Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
9:20 am

Last Friday, I began experimenting with publishing a  Discovering Identity “paper” via the paper.li service.  It was enlightening to learn how to specify sources of information and then see how paper.li drew from those sources to lay out a paper fit for publication.  

I don’t pretend to understand the algorithms they use to select from the hundreds of articles and tweets in the sources I specified, but I will continue to experiment with sources and priorities as I move forward.


I decided to upgrade to the Pro version, which allowed me to tweak the branding a bit.  I decided to use the new Discovering Identity logo that appears on this blog, and the same background color.

You can view the paper at  paper.discoveringidentity.com.  I hope this proves to be a useful addition to my online presence as I try to reignite my personal social media efforts.

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