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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chad Russell – Welcome to the Blogosphere!

Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, August 18, 2011
8:12 am

I always enjoy learning about a new Identity Management blog. Today, please joining me in welcoming Chad Russell, an Oracle colleague and good friend who hails from the great state of Arkansas, into the blogsphere.  He recently launched a new Identity Management blog, “Brave New Identity – Identity Happenings from the Field.”  His last four posts are both relevant and interesting:

  • 3 Hot Trends in IDM (Part 1 of 3)
  • Why Provisioning Is Really An Authorization Problem
  • Auditing the Cloud
  • Amazon boosts IdM offering for cloud

I’m particularly looking forward to learning what Hot Trends 2 and 3 are.

You can also follow Chad on Twitter at @chadrussell_idm.

By the way, the young man up in the corner is Chad’s son, proclaiming, “Love the site, Pops!

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