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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Identity Services for Cloud Computing

Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
4:57 pm

To support recent discussions about Identity Management and Cloud computing, I divided the types of Identity Services that might be needed to support Application services into three major categories as shown in the following diagram and explained in a bit more detail below:


The specific services provided in each category could include:

Identity Administration Services

  • Create, update, delete identities
  • Password/credential management
  • Entitlement definition/management
  • Provision/de-provision access privileges
  • Role engineering/management
  • Policy definition/management

Identity Enforcement Services

  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Access control
  • Federation
  • Web services security

Identity Audit Services

  • Reporting
  • Evaluation
  • Attestation
  • Validation
  • Remediation

Did I miss any services that you think should be present?  Any input on the categories or types of services?  Any input or criticism would be most welcome.

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