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Kuppinger Cole on IAM/GRC Trends

Author: Mark Dixon
Saturday, May 2, 2009
3:59 am

I enjoyed reading Martin Kuppinger’s post addressing the Kuppinger Cole list of 10 Top Trends for IAM and GRC in 2009:

"As in the past years, Kuppinger Cole has worked out 10 top trends in IAM (Identity and Access Management) and GRC (Governance, Risk Management, Compliance). Things are going forward in 2009, despite the economic crisis – even more, especially GRC vendors are benefiting from the crisis and the increasing investments in GRC. The need for Risk Management is well understood now.

"But our analysis shows that there are advancements in many other areas of IAM and GRC as well. The impact of Cloud Computing, new electronic passports as a means for authentication, and more discussions about privacy are just some few of them."

Here is the K-C list of trends.  The major themes are maturity, expansion/extension, clouds and services.

  1. GRC as the Business Control Layer for IAM
  2. Growing Maturity of Identity 2.0 Approaches
  3. Multi-purpose Cards gain Momentum
  4. Context and Versatility become Reality
  5. More IAM and GRC for the Cloud
  6. Portable Identity Information for Social Networks
  7. GRC going beyond IAM
  8. First Impacts of new Electronic Passports
  9. Increasing Service Orientation in IAM and GRC
  10. Privacy is back – and there are more Solutions

Thanks, Martin, for your insight into the expanding, maturing world of IAM and GRC.

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