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POssO – Use your iPhone to manage OpenSSO

Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, May 1, 2009
7:20 am

Yesterday, my colleague Rohan Pinto unveiled POssO, an iPhone-based portable adminstration console for OpenSSO.  This application blends the visual coolness and portability of the iPhone with the industrial-strength Identity Management in OpenSSO.

As I viewed an introductory video available on YouTube and Sun Learning Exchange, I thought of three key principles of innovation demonstrated by Rohan’s application:

  • The OpenSSO open source development model leads to true innovation.
  • The iPhone’s appeal is due more to it being an innovative application platform than to it being a telephone.
  • Rohan’s passion, not paycheck, drove this innovation.

Congratulations and many thanks, Rohan, for this outstanding contribution to the state of the art.

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One Response to “POssO – Use your iPhone to manage OpenSSO”

    POssO can be downloaded from http://itunes.com/apps/POssO

    Comment by Rohan Pinto on May 12, 2009 at 1:07 pm

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