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Sun Microsystems – Powering the National Health Information Network

Author: Mark Dixon
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
1:21 pm

eWeek.com reported yesterday that "Sun Microsystems is partnering with the US Federal Government to create a secure technology platform to connect federal health agencies and private institutions to the National Health Information network:"

"Sun open-source software, including GlassFish and Java technologies, will be the backbone of a national network designed to offer a secure technology platform so public and private health agencies can exchange electronic medical records and other information over the Internet."

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) annnounced:

"The Federal Health Architecture is making software available as a first step to help public and private health information technology systems communicate to the Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN), a federal initiative to facilitate the electronic exchange of health information.  The Federal Health Architecture, an E-Gov initiative led by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), is making this free software, called CONNECT, and supporting documentation available at www.connectopensource.org."

Having health records on line holds the promise of higher quality, less expensive health care for consumers because critical information is more accessible more timely and more accurate than with traditional paper-based methods. As both a consumer of healthcare and as a taxpayer, it is good to see this important initiative moving forward. It’s also great to see Sun at the forefront of providing key technology to make it happen.

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