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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Eve Maler: Renaissance Woman

Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
3:31 pm

Dave Kearns published a nice article today about Eve Maler, whose latest title is Emerging Technologies Director, Sun Microsystems Identity Software.  Although Eve told me she was a bit embarrassed by that headline, I think it fits well. 

Dave speaks highly about Eve and then introduced the proposed ProtectServe web protocol Eve described in her blog post To Protect and Serve and further addressed in her post ProtectServe: getting down to (use) cases.  These posts are indicative of the innovative thinking that has been Eve’s hallmark at Sun.

But perhaps it is Eve’s musicianship, home remodeling, artistic stitching and photography that earned Eve the Renaissance Woman title.

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