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Welcome JavaFX

Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, December 4, 2008
8:31 am

This morning at 6am PST, Sun officially opened the JavaFX.com website to launch the JavaFX Platform for developing “Rich Internet Experiences for all the screens of your life.”

The JavaFX Rich Client platform is “A platform and tools suite that offers distinct advantages to Web developers, Web designers, and Java developers that are building rich, connected experiences. … JavaFX provides a unified development and deployment model for building rich client applications that integrate rich immersive media such as audio and video, graphics, rich text and web services. JavaFX allows creative developers to program in a visual context thus helping them to bring their ideas to life quicker and better.”

The JavaFX SDK and related tools are now available for download from the JavaFX site.

I recommend viewing a short video where Sun VP Eric Klein provides a summary announcement.

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