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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Sunday, February 16, 2025

New Year’s Resolutions in August

Author: Mark Dixon
Saturday, August 2, 2008
10:24 am

Sun Microsystems’ fiscal year 2009 began July 1st. Traditionally, July is a time for we Sun folk to take a few deep breaths, cash in some vacation days to recharge batteries and make plans for the new year. Interestingly enough, I was incredibly busy in July with customer meetings and strategic projects, to complement my deep breathing and relaxing family vacation.

Next week will bring another intense week of new year stuff. I will fly to Washington, DC, to participate in Sun’s annual Americas Sales Meeting, where we will all get grounded in the strategy and tactics for the year ahead.

So, with a new year beginning and a new title on my business card, “Chief Identity Solution Architect, North American Software Practice,” now is the time to also set a few goals for this blog.

During the next year, I plan to do the following:

  • Publish one or two posts per week with at least a modicum of profound thought in the area of Identity Management and related technology, markets and business.
  • On each intervening day, post short thoughts, quotes, ideas, links or questions on a variety of subjects that may be rattling around in my mind.
  • Renovate, re-launch and expand the “Whodentity” concept I started a couple of years ago but allowed to fall hopelessly out of date, to foster community among those involved in “The Magic and Science of Identity Management.”
  • Use the blog as an experimental sandbox for concepts and technologies related to Digital Identity and Social Media.

If you have ideas or advice on how I should accomplish these goals, or would like to participate with me in some innovative way, please let me know.

Happy New Year!

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2 Responses to “New Year’s Resolutions in August”

    High grade enterprise identity management can be a bit on the conservative side, so a blog – being less formal – could be a good place for opinion to coalesce around innovation. To kick the tires on new ideas.

    Comment by Josef Assad on August 2, 2008 at 11:15 am


    Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your feedback. Please stay in touch.


    Comment by Mark Dixon on August 7, 2008 at 1:23 am

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