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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Napolean Dzombe – Heart of a Champion

Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, February 14, 2008
11:13 pm

Early this morning, as Valentine’s Day dawned for me in the Santa Clara Holiday Inn, I met a new hero in my life, Napoleon Dzombe of the African nation of Malawi. Knowing that I would be out of town today, my wonderful wife slipped a small Valentine’s gift into my suitcase before I left home. When I awoke early in the morning, I opened the gift, which included a DVD entitled “The Blessings Hospital Miracle,” and watched it on my laptop.

The film recounts the true story of a remarkable man who emerged from personal poverty against seemingly unsurmountable odds to save thousands of his people from starvation during one of the worst droughts in Malawi. We can learn much from the courage, determination and selflessness of this true champion.

You can watch the entire 25 minute film here or purchase the DVD here.

I highly recommend it.

Thank you, Claudia, for introducing me to true greatness this morning. Happy Valentine’s Day!

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