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Friday, July 26, 2024

Portable Computing – You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby!

Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, December 28, 2007
5:45 pm

When my son-in-law chuckled about an “ancient” 2 gbyte hard drive lying on my office cabinet, I pulled out some relics from my personal “museum” to show him. The three computers below are the first portable computers I owned:

  • Compaq (mid 1980’s)
  • Toshiba T1000 (late 1980’s)
  • SunRace HyperBook – (early 1990’s)

Old Portable Computers

Myron could hardly believe it when I told him the Compaq originally had two 256Kbyte floppy drives. I thought I was in heaven when we upgraded it to a 5 mbyte hard drive!

And to think that the camera memory card I used to take this photo holds 1 gbyte! I love technology!

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