A Tapestry of Miracles – Happy Holidays from the Dixon Family
In these days of crass materialism, questionable ethics and dire threats to political and economic stability, I take heart in the magnificence of the human spirit and the grandeur of relationships that link us together. As a holiday wish to all of you, let me share a few lines I penned several years ago, as a wish of hope and joy from the Dixon family.
A Tapestry Of Miracles
Like brilliant golden strands
Woven delicately yet boldly
Among more dreary threads
To create a magnificent tapestry,
Our lives converge
In brief but sparkling brightness,
And then intertwine into
Radiant relationships
Borne of common hopes and dreams.
Countless encounters
Of human souls,
Guided by an unseen hand,
Link our lives together,
Creating cascading
Miracles of light,
Illuminating our hearts and minds
Amidst the harshness and the gloom
Of mortal life,
Ever weaving and preparing
The glorious, eternal tapestry
Of humankind.
Mark G. Dixon
November 15, 1996
Happy Holidays from all of the Dixons in Mesa, Arizona.
The links of love.
The family.
Making new threads of life and love.
Thank you for Hope and Joy … Dixom family.
The Gerwing’s Vancouver Metro BC.Ca.
Thanks for stopping by. Happy Holidays to the Gerwings in beautiful British Columbia!