Circles of Trust – without Federation
Sometimes we in the Identity Management market like to think the world revolves around us. But, alas, something will come along to jolt us back to reality and remind us that we are still a fairly obscure bunch.
Today, I googled “circle of trust,” thinking I might find some pertinent wisdom for an Identity Federation presentation I am preparing. It was interesting to note that on the first Google page, precisely zero out of ten responses had to do with Federated Identity Management. The first link referred to a Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR) regiment, followed by the Gun Blast magazine, the Center for Courage & Renewal, a Recreational Vehicle group, child sexual abuse resources, an article about search engine optimization, a pro-child, anti-crime organization, a Lord of the Rings kinship, an article about laptop security and the Frat Pack.
It appears that Robert DeNiro’s explanation of the “circle of trust” to Ben Stiller in the film “Meet the Parents” is much more well known and understood than the stuff we discuss in the dark annals of Identity Management lore.
A mention of Federated Identity Management and circles of trust was not to be found until page 4, item 6: an IT Week article, “Building a circle of trust.” . I guess it is fair to say that Circles of Trust in the Federated Identity context are far removed from popular social consciousness.
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Identity Management,
Circle of Trust
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