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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

From Me to You to You to You … Cascading Cyberspace Connections

Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, September 21, 2007
3:16 pm

My wife and I share a 24 foot square loft in the upper story of our house as my office and her sewing room. This afternoon, my wife, daughter and I were sitting in the loft, bantering back and forth, sharing random comments about our respective blogs. Claudia said, “Did you see the comment on Angie’s blog that came from something called Twitter?”

So, I explained about Twitter and tried to find out what happened. As it turns out, yesterday, I posted a short note on Twitter: “Enjoying the blog of my slightly neurotic daughter: link

Apparently one of the people who follows me on Twitter shared it with someone else who then visited and commented on Angie’s blog: “I am not related and don’t know you from Adam … someone who I follow on twitter put up the link, I followed and am glad I did. Excellent Blog.”

I suppose the moral is: “Be careful what you blog! You never know who you might be listening … or twittering … or whatever.”

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