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Friday, July 26, 2024

Only for the memory-challenged among us.

Author: Mark Dixon
Monday, May 28, 2007
3:42 pm

Thanks to Francine Hardway for Twittering the link to this hilarious Tom Rush video … a must see for anyone over 50 … or anyone under 50 who wants to know what being memory-challenged is all about.

By the way, the photo is a picture of Francine with her dog.  Francine has been an outstanding contributor to the Arizona business community for the 16+ years I have known her.  We were founding officers of the Arizona Software Association (now Arizona Technology Council) back in 1991. 

Francine is an early adopter of all things technological – particularly those things on the cutting edge of the participation age.  It was my privilege to register her first domain name (hardaway.com) and create her first web site, in 1995, I think.  A lot of bits have gone down the wire since then.

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2 Responses to “Only for the memory-challenged among us.”

    That’s right. You did! And my thanks to you to this day…I have passed hardaway.com down to my daughter, who uses it for her business now that I used Stealthmode.com. Amazing how little I knew back then, and how helpful you were.

    Comment by francine hardaway on May 28, 2007 at 4:53 pm

    Thanks for visting, Francine. It’s good to know your daughter is still using hardaway.com. I watched part of the video on her site today.

    Comment by Mark Dixon on May 28, 2007 at 9:20 pm

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