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Leadership for a New Generation

Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
8:33 pm

Yesterday, I finished Bill George’s book, Authentic Leadership. I was particularly impressed with his challenge to the rising generation of business leaders.

“…the torch is again being passed to a new generation. To your generation of leaders, the trumpet has sounded. If you listen carefully, you will hear the clarion call to lead in a different way than many in my generation have:

  • To be motivated by your mission, not your money.
  • To tap into your values, not your ego.
  • To connect with others through your heart, not your persona.
  • To live your life with such discipline that you would be proud to read about your behavior on the front page of the New York Times. …

“As an authentic leader, you can change these things. You only need to be your own person, lead in your own style with purpose and passion, be true to your values, build your relationships, practice self-discipline, and lead with your heart.”

Even for those of us who have been around the block a few times, this is good advice. It reminds me of the famous line penned by William Shakespeare for his character Polonius, giving his son Laertes sage advice, “To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”

Thanks to Anand Shah, one the rising generation of new leaders, for recommending this book to me.

Photo: Stained glass representation of Polonius in the historic Elsinore Theatre, Salem, Oregon.

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