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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas!

Author: Mark Dixon
Friday, December 22, 2006
11:44 am

At this special time of year, may I wish all of you Happy Holidays, and to those who share my Christian faith, Merry Christmas!

As you may know, my son Eric is in Mongolia on a mission for our church. As a token of my deep respect for him and for this holiday season, let me share with you a couple of his photos. First, the little Christmas tree in his apartment. A bit different than what we are used to back home, but festive in its own way!

Second, a photo of Eric pointing to a phrase someone wrote on an old building. Roughly translated, it proclaims that “Christ is the right path. Christ lives!”

Fitting words for a wonderful season.

Thank you, Eric. Merry Christmas!

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