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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Friday, July 26, 2024

National Personality, National Identity – Bravo New Zealand

Author: Mark Dixon
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
8:47 pm

My son-in-law Garry Bartle pointed out a recent small article in InfoWorld. Jon Udell proposes that nations “are expressing their unique national personalities as they move through phases of IT maturity.” He points out the stark difference in how different nations view National Identity Cards. I was pleased to find out that New Zealanders “hate national IDs even more than Americans do.”

New Zealand is a unique place, where sheep outnumber people 16 to 1. Maybe their biggest problem is that all those sheep create climate-altering greenhouse gas.

I spent a very unpleasant week in New Zealand several years ago. The country is beautiful, my New Zealand colleagues were very hospitable, but I was sick as a dog. I look forward to a time I can return in full health – without a National ID card.

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