Gartner Magic Quadrant
Dave Kearns stated yesterday in his Network World newsletter that “Oracle was quite proud” to be in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for user provisioning services. Well, they should be – they are in good company with Sun Microsystems! Dave failed to mention that Sun is ahead of Oracle on both the Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute axes. (Note:Dave’s articles are sent out by email. They appear on the Network World website a few days after initially relased.)
Dave also observed, “Of course, everyone wants to be in the ‘Leaders’ quadrant and no vendor I know ever sent out a press release declaring that it made it into the Challengers, Visionaries or Niche Players quadrant!”
Well, it appears that both Courion and M-Tech were proud enough about their position in the Challengers quadrant that they did issue press releases.
Don’t you love it when a simple box with names inside generates so much interest?
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Sun Microsystems,
Gee, Mark, did you miss this line in the newsletter: “Only Sun and IBM/Tivoli are also present in the Leaders quadrant”?
But your point is well made about Courion & M-tech.
Didn’t miss the line about Sun and IBM/Tivoli – just was disappointed that Oracle got the headline when Sun was clearly the front runner in the diagram. That said, we recognize that Oracle is clearly a worthy competitor.