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Exploring the science and magic of Identity and Access Management
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Identity Technology – Nearing Critical Mass

Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, May 18, 2006
6:18 am

Phil Becker proposes in his ZDNet article that “Identity technology is today nearing critical mass on the enterprise security and manageability curve. Driven by increasing regulatory requirements, identity management has deployed in some form at most very large companies, and new technologies and methodologies are reducing the cost of such deployments enough that this technology is moving down market in a way that indicates critical mass is quite near indeed.”

However, “disrupting technologies don’t yet have identity technology they can reasonably leverage to release their value propositions beyond a sort of early demonstration phase.”

Phil then concludes, “we are nearing many tipping points in the next two years or less, where disruptive technologies combined with appropriate identity technologies will create real business model disruption in many industries very rapidly.”

I think this all means that something is about to explode!

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