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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lead the Action Faction!

Author: Mark Dixon
Thursday, August 25, 2005
5:15 am

Action: "The
causation of change by the exertion of power or a natural process.

Noel Franus’ blog,
"Reward Excellent Failures. Punish Mediocre Success," led
me to Tom Peterspresentation,
"Re-imagining Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age."

I’ve long admired Tom Peters’

. In my mind’s eye I can imagine him
on stage, leaning forward and raising his voice a bit, maybe waving his arms
as he presented slide #131, challenging the audience to "Lead the Action

This reminded me of two other famous quotes:

never worry about action, only inaction
." — Winston


confuse motion with action
." — Benjamin


are here in this world to act, to do, to accomplish, to be agents of positive
change. Our actions largely determine our destiny. Peters, Churchill and Franklin
urge us all to sieze this opportunity. Or, in the simple words of the personal mottor of another of
my heros, Spencer
W. Kimball
, "Do It."


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